
What Others are Saying

“Straight to the heart…like an arrow…something I can identify, see, and pray about immediately…” -Shonda H.

“Heartfelt, Holy Spirit led, real, raw, & vulnerable…” -Marie S.

“There are so many days when Tera’s devos through the the Holy Spirit speak directly to me. I love her sense of humor and her love for 80s music! God is using her to cause me to want to dig deeper!” -Deb S.

“I love how Tera brings the Bible to life through her writings! So often when I read the Bible I don’t fully understand what I’m reading; but when Tera posts her thoughts it really hits home, like it was written specifically for me!” -Michelle Q.

“I find strength, peace, and encouragement in Tera’s writings. I often share them and keep them so I can reread them. I truly love her writings!” -Beth K.

“I love Tera’s daily devotions! They have given me such inspiration! Tera writes with everyday wisdom which is so applicable to my life.” -Carol B.

“Tera’s words keep me in The Word! I love exploring the verses she pens about!” -Diane D.

“Tera picks out tiny details that I have overlooked and brings them to the surface.” -Joyia M.

“I read Tera’s posts every morning. I share them with a friend who isn’t on social media. More than once she has commented on how they were the perfect verses and interpretations for that day.” -Gretchen B.

“I discovered Tera shortly after being diagnosed with breast cancer. Her relentless hopeful messages gave me something to hang on to while trying to find a hope of my own.” -Connie M.

“Tera may not know this but we have shared many cups of coffee. Her words have touched the deepest parts of my heart, parts that were broked and tattered by the trying season I’m in; words that I fully believe Tera wrote just for me that our loving Father gave her. I’m still in this season but I walk a little bit steadier, and my crown is a little straighter thanks to Tera fixing it.” -Elizabeth S.

“Tera is an inspiration and brings much understanding to the Word of God. She is truly a blessing to me. She has helped me through some of my toughest times.” -Elizabeth G.

“Tera sits down in her big ole Jesus Chair each morning and finds inspiration in even the most random of Scripture passages. It’s like words jump out at her and then she shares thought-provoking applications that leave you wondering how it is that you never noticed the word before. She writes like she’s talking to you, and that camaraderie of opening the Scripture to me each morning is a joyous and meaningful way to begin my days!” -Gretchen O.

“Tera’s messages are part of my morning or evening devotion time. Faith-based encouragement, belief for the future, and a reminder to ‘don’t stop believing!’”
-Stephanie M.

“I read every morning and usually share. Why? Because it’s real. Real speak. And usually uncannily parallel to a situation or event of need in MY life and I feel it and need it, no doubt someone else does too, a ripple effect if you will…a groundswell of support kind of like your own personal cheering squad, and I for one and am ever-so-grateful for it.” -Tina M.

“Tera speaks in a way that connects with me. She is grounded in the Bible but reaches out in a non-traditional approach to let us know that God knows us and our humanity. Her words are inclusive and honest and loving.” -Cindy S.

“Tera’s words have been a balm for my broken heart. When I read her words, I feel as if I’m sitting in a big chair next to her, sharing a hot cup of coffee, and being heard and loved and encouraged. She has shared the overwhelming love and compassion of Jesus with me through her writings.” -Holly P.

“Tera’s writings are anointed and speak truth over my life. They’ve inspired me to read my Bible cover to cover with the intentionality of finding the same kind of treasures in His Word every day.” -Allison G.

“From simple and profound words like ‘yes’ and ‘amen’, Tera brings a power from the Word of God that enlivens, encourages, and convicts.” -Danielle

“I love that Tera’s reflections are straight from the Word. I appreciate her down-to-earth, call-it-like-I-see-it response to her own Bible reading.” -Jeanna S.

“Tera’s writing always brings a fresh and different perspective on Scripture that I’ve never thought of before. It gives me permission to think outside the box and hear God’s voice in a new way.” -Kristina

I’d love to hear from you!