Are you Stressed? Weary? Feeling Overwhelmed?
Bringing the Bible alive for you is my passion. Let’s rehydrate your soul with five days of encouragement from my heart to yours.
Hi! I'm Tera!
Speaker and Author
Beloved, I would seriously love nothing more than to meet with you each morning with coffee in hand and talk about all the things of this world including our very real God who cares about what’s happening in YOUR world!
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What Others are Saying
Tera has a passion for Jesus that encourages and uplifts
Colleen PConference Attendee
Tera is a wonderful example of a person that put Christ first in her life and ran with Him! This girl is contagious to those around her!
Barb J.Conference Attendee and Bible Study Group Member
Grounded in deep faith, Tera speaks from the heart, bringing messages that bridge the words of scripture with the realities of today, leaving you feeling inspired and refreshed!
Amy S.Intern Pastor and Retreat Attendee